Missions Accomplished
SOS marine wildlife – uruguay
“Meet Ramón”
With a pandemic at the door, things started to look harder. Like everyone, I saw projects and travels being cancelled, I got scared about stuff, and future got kind of blurry. I commited with myself to redirect all that energy into art and creation, into hope. That’s when this short film was born. I had filmed all the footage in previous years, and I turned my lockdown into something with a purpouse. I learnt a lot from the animals I had lived with, and this was my attempt to spread their voice.
“SOS” marine wildlife – uruguay
The messenger of the ocean
“The messenger of the ocean” and the little video minute “Do you like the sea?”, are some of films that preceded “Meet Ramon”. It was my early beginning both as a volunteer and as a wildlife filmmaker, and some of the footage was taken from online footage banks. But I have sweet feelings towards them because they remind me that the only necessary thing we need to create something is believing in the message we’re sending.
SOS’s Marine Wildlife Misión: To rescue, rehabilitate and release endangered, sick, orphaned or harmed marine wildlife. At the same time, they spread awareness towards plastics in the ocean at schools and guided visits in the site.
animal save & RORO Vitale – argentina
Love’s vigil
Animal Save Movement’s Vigils consist in waiting at the gates of slaughterhouses for the trucks with animals to arrive, so activists can give them some love and care before they’re taken inside to be tortured and killed. Afterwards, an activist musician sings or plays to them from the other side of the wall. I had the chance to attend one of them as a filmmaker, and it was a huge challenge. The tears wouldn’t let me see properly, and my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t film steady. But we could all give our best to share them some Love and everything was worth it.
Animal Save Movement’s misión: It’s a global network of activists that pacifically expose and try to stop animal explotation industries. Vigils are one of their many actions.
campaña “defensores de mamas” – arg
Ey Mamma
Junto al grupo musical “Jeites” hicimos este videoclip para la ONG Frente Jóven, apoyando su campaña “Defensores de mamás”.
Su misión: Disminuir la mortalidad materna e infantil atendiendo sus principales causas, brindando contención a mujeres con embarazos en riesgo y a sus hijos por nacer en barrios carenciados.